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您的Wake Tech关键帐户是您将用于访问所有Wake Tech网站和资源的用户名和密码组合. 任何涉及“关键帐户登录”或“用户名和密码”的地方都是指这些凭据.
新学生和员工将在注册申请后获得他们的学生或员工身份证号码和关键账户, class registration or hiring has been processed.
Your Wake Tech email address should be used 只有 for school purposes and not for personal affairs.
Student (or employee) name: John C. 美国能源部
Student (or employee) ID #: 1234567
Wake Tech email address: (电子邮件保护) (学生)或 (电子邮件保护) (员工)
招生办公室或劳动力继续教育注册办公室将通过电子邮件发送学生的帐户信息. ITS将通过电子邮件向主管发送新员工的账户信息,然后主管可以与员工共享.
您将需要手头的这些信息来完成关键帐户设置过程. If you do not have the information, 学生应联系招生办公室或劳动力继续教育注册办公室, and employees should contact the Human Resources Office.
注意: Only one password reset is allowed every 24 hours. Subsequent attempts will not succeed. Call the ITS 帮助desk at 919-866-7000 绕过这个政策.
密码有效期为365天,并用于所有Wake Tech应用程序.
After the password has been successfully updated, 您需要验证您的多因素身份验证(MFA)方法, 如果您的帐户受到损害,可以通过增加另一层保护来帮助保护您的关键帐户.
您的帐户已经有您的个人电话号码和个人电子邮件地址与您的MFA相关联, but you will need to verify the accuracy of the information. MFA methods are verified for all Key Accounts 每180天.
Follow these steps to verify your MFA methods:
Additional instructions 是否需要添加微软 Authenticator App. 因为您已经开始了这个过程,所以您可以跳到第6步.
Your Key Account username – the first part of your email address, 如jsdoe -和您的七位数身份证号将在入学和/或注册或就业时通过电子邮件发送给您.
学生入门网站(my.drluisesparza.com) is the central hub for students to access email, Self-Service and Blackboard, as well as to keep track of campus announcements and events, register for wireless access and take course evaluations. 除了, 该门户网站提供有关学生福利和折扣的信息, the Student Clearinghouse and Campus Life.
您可以通过威克理工大学网站主页顶部的登录链接访问您的电子邮件帐户. 进入登录页面后,选择“学生电子邮件”或“员工网络邮件”.
Make sure you check your student email account regularly. 学生电子邮件是威克理工大学向学生传递信息的官方沟通渠道. 维克理工大学的所有邮件都会发送到你的学生邮箱.
随着科技的 MFA用户指南 has detailed instructions on how to set up MFA.
学生连续18个月不参加活动后,维克理工大学的电子邮件帐户将被删除. 一旦维克理工大学的电子邮件帐户被删除,该学生将无法再访问该帐户.